Saturday, June 10, 2023
Back to the Bible
To my surprise, I received a devotional book in the mail entitled, “Take Courage: encouraging words for discouraging times” by LCMS president, Matthew Harrison. As I was reading through it, this chapter caught my eye.
“Can we be sure of Christ, forgiveness, and eternal life? Back to the Bible!”(1Jn4:1-4)
“How shall we treat each other in the Church? Back to the Bible!” (1Cor13)
“Shall we share the Word of the Gospel with others? Back to the Bible!” (Lk19:10)
“How shall we hold up under suffering? Back to the Bible!” (Rom5;Heb12;1Pt1)
[Take Courage, Harrison pg 38].
Back to the Bible! An encouraging command as it reminds us that the Holy Scriptures are not simply words but rather the God-breathed, Living Word of God. The Word gives life and sustains you on your pilgrimage of faith. For the Scripture is the oasis for the soul, replenishing, reviving and restoring you in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
However, the great tension, as seen with the Israelites in the Exodus, is the disbelief rooted in our sinful nature. Though the Lord had given the Israelites the bread from heaven (Ex16) and the water from the rock (Ex17), they quarreled amongst themselves saying, “Is the Lord among us or not” (Ex17:8). Of course, the Lord was with them, yet on the road, they struggled spiritually.
And thus, as you are living in this world, God gives you His Word that grants the surety in the midst of your doubts. Even within suffering, the Word reminds you to “rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed” (1Pet4:13). And also, back to the Bible we go so that we may “make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you...”(1Pt3:15).
How can we get back to the bible?
- Consistently attending the Divine Service
- Consistently attending Sunday and Midweek Bible Classes
- Consistently reading four chapters a day (two-year reading plan)
- Consistently reading not only individually but with your family
So, the next time you look in your bookshelf, you may find many books that teach you about many different things, yet the Bible points you to the most important Word: Jesus Christ.
✝️ Pastor Jeong
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