Tuesday, November 1, 2022
The Goodness of God
"The first kind is that of the despairing, who certainly believe that He can and knows how to save, but they do not believe that He also is willing to do it, measuring divine will to their own will. The second kind is that of the presumptuous, who regard themselves as good and sufficient, as if they did not need divine goodness" Luther's Works AE 11:347
According to Martin Luther, there are two kinds of people who do not give thanks to the Lord. As stated above, there is one who despairs in their sin and guilt, while the other presumes their own self-righteousness marks themselves good in front of God. And thus, in both kinds of man there is one common thread. Each man is caught up in himself, thus failing to see the true goodness of God.
"Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever" Psalm 107:1
Why is the Lord good?
For starters, the fall brought the bad: sin, death, condemnation, affliction, sickness, pain, and the separation from God. Therefore, as inheritors of the fall, we cannot reconcile, save, or rescue ourselves from our human condition of sin. Not even our best work can justify ourselves in front of God. "For no one is righteous not even one" Romans 3:10. A terrible condition this is!
However, The Lord is good because He sent you His Son our Savior Jesus Christ. The Word made flesh came into the World to publish the good news of the Gospel through His sacrificial work upon the Cross. For our Lord Jesus was faithful to His death, to die the big death for you. The Good Shepherd took upon your sins and laid down His life for you. The Messiah purchased you not by gold or silver but with His holy precious blood, He paid the ransom price for you. Our True King suffered, died and rose to save you from sin death and the power of the devil. For who else could do such things for you? Absolutely no one, but Jesus Christ alone.
As you celebrate thanksgiving with your friends and family this month, remember the true goodness of God that has been given for you through the Cross, through the Resurrection, through your Baptism, through the Supper, and of course, what is to come on the final day in His Divine Goodness! Yes, God is good and forever this shall be for His love endures forever. Amen.
✝️ Pastor Jeong
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