Saturday, September 10, 2022
“Read your Bible. Read it daily. Read your catechism. Read it daily. Buy your kid and grandkids the new catechism. Get The Lutheran Study Bible. Buy your kids CPH’s Bible story books. Knowing the Word of God will make you confident in your salvation, wrought by Christ and pointed to by the whole Bible. God works through His Holy Word (including the texts in the catechism) to create faith in those who hear and read it. “So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty” (Isaiah 55:11) [Lutheran Witness Sept 2022].
–Pastor Harrison, President of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
Question: When we hear the word “study” what is your initial reaction?
Yes, you remember burning the midnight oil as you studied for an all- important exam. You might even say, [with a dramatic voice] Oh the treachery! The burden! The tiresome toil of burning the candle at both ends!. Yes, I suppose the word “study” elicits not the best of memories. But, as Dr. Rev Matthew Harrison mentioned, “God works through His Holy Word to create faith in those who hear and read it”. Indeed, it is through the God-breathed Word [2Tm3:16] that we know who our Lord is and what He has done for us. It is not of treachery, burden or toil because the Word brings you the comfort and confidence in God and His promises.
Why do you study? We study diligently to have the knowledge needed for the job at hand. It becomes second-nature as we use this studied knowledge for the love and service to our neighbor. Yet in regards to God’s Word, how we easily reside in biblical illiteracy which also may evolve into a false faith. Thus, how important it is to know what you believe according to God and His Word. If you haven’t been to our bible studies, I highly encourage that you begin now. We truly believe the Holy Spirit works through the Word which sustains our faith. As you study, you will soon realize the true joy of being immersed in the oasis of God’s Word.
As we begin our new Sunday school year [beginning on September 18th], I pray that this will be an opportunity to begin again in the study of God’s Word. For young families, how important it is for you to attend Bible class as you feed on His Word that strengthens your faith. Also, as a model of faith, how this will teach your children the value of God’s Word not only for you, but also for them [Eph6:4]. So have your children attend Sunday school and come to bible class. A joy it will truly be! See you there!
Have a blessed September
✝️ Pastor Jeong
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