Friday, June 3, 2022
Receiving The Gifts
When I was a child, I always thought church was the “Christian thing to do”. As if, it was my doing that brought me to church. It was my doing to dutifully hear God’s Word. It was my doing to attend bible study and participate in church activities. And soon enough, “doing” defined my Christian life. Yet, if the Christian life is only about doing, the question is, what are we receiving?
I encourage everyone to come to church because there we receive the very gifts that the Lord has promised to each and every one us. It is where God, in the Divine Service, is doing the work, working upon you and giving you the gifts that feed and nourish your soul. Everyone needs rest in the midst of the toil. And so it was the same for the belly-grumbling Israelites as they too needed nourishment for their journey to the promise land. By God’s mercy, He provided as they would receive the bread that fell from heaven [Ex16].
Jesus provides you the bread of life [John6] on your pilgrimage of faith. Through the preached word [Lk24:44-47] you have true rest [Mt11:27-28] as you hear and receive [Rom10:17] the words of Christ and in Him crucified [1Cor1:23]. For God works through His Word as He imparts to you the whole counsel of God. From the word of the law [showing us our sin] to the Gospel [Christ and His forgiveness for you], how comforting it is to hear and receive His promises through the Word and Sacrament.
You and I both know that we need rest. And therefore, you need to be here [Heb10:24-25] for we need the comfort and strength that Christ gives to us by His Word. Though we are assaulted by the devil and the struggles of our sin, it is in the Word and the Sacrament where we receive the “pure, wholesome, comforting remedy that grants salvation and comfort. It will cure you and give you life both in soul and body. For where the soul has recovered, the body also relieved “ [Large Catechism V 68].
Through the summer months, I encourage all of you to continue to attend church and bible study as we walk together in our pilgrimage of faith. Through all things, remember, your rest is not in this world but is in His Word as you faithfully receive His gifts.
Have a blessed summer!
✝️ Pastor Jeong
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