Saturday, February 5, 2022
15 Minutes
Greetings to you in Christ Jesus!
As we journey through the season of Epiphany, we meditate upon who our Lord Christ: the anointed one set apart to fulfill the will of God. And every single time we hear The Word, from the Law [Rm3:20] to the Gospel [Rm5:8] the Lord illumines our hearts and minds to His delivering promises. And every single time we read The Word, the Holy Scriptures [2Tm3:16-17] are the lamp unto our feet and a light for our path [Ps119:105].
I realized the other day how quickly time flies especially when we are on “the screens”. We read an article here, peruse an article there. We jump on you-tube or watch our favorite shows, scroll through emails, and in a twinkle of an eye fifteen minutes have already passed. Where did the time go? And it made me realize how precious our time is.
So, [in lieu of time’s autobahn] every night before bedtime, we as a family, open our own bibles and read quietly for fifteen minutes. Honestly, it is my most favorite time of day as the traffic-jams of this world are put aside for the sweet word of God and His promises. In those fifteen minutes, how precious it is to be in one room as we feed on the word of God. And yes, whether it is a few, or fifteen or even thirty minutes, open your paper bible every single day and read a verse or even a chapter. Begin in the Gospel of John and continue everyday as the Lord shapes you by His Word. And as you turn the page and hear it go “woosh!” may it serve as a reminder of the endless joy God gives through His Word.
In light of the precious fifteen, at the end of the month, we will be giving you a Lenten devotional “Witnesses to Christ” by Reed Lessing. Also, the children will receive a calendar that will provide assigned readings [in the Gospel of John] for each day beginning on Ash Wednesday [March 2nd] to Holy Saturday [April 16th]. Use these resources for your benefit!
If you are already on a reading schedule, that is great to hear! But if it has been a while, I pray that this will be an opportunity to restart and refresh in the Word. As God’s people, and even as a congregation, the Word will always be the forefront of everything that we do. For this is who we are in Christ Jesus!
Have a blessed February.
✝️ Pastor Jeong
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