Friday, October 6, 2023
For You
Growing up with the expectation of becoming a lawyer, Luther decided to become a monk. During the time of Luther, many were concerned with their relationship with God. In order to be right with God, many believed that monasticism would offer the greatest opportunity to accomplish this goal. Monasticism was a life apart from the world where the monks would devote their lives to prayer and worship. Therefore, Luther pursued the monastic life in hopes of reconciling himself to God. However, the monastic life would only magnify the terror of sin that was before him. The more he merited his way to God, the more he fell into despair.
In an attempt to assuage his terrified conscience, Johann Staupitz [his spiritual advisor] encouraged him to teach at the University of Wittenberg. During his time in Wittenberg, Luther preached and taught and after much study his appreciation for the Scripture alone fueled a new beginning to faith. As he studied the scriptures, it was all about Jesus “for you”. That is, Jesus came to the world to die for sinners, redeeming humanity by His sacrifice upon the Cross. Luther soon discovered that his relationship with God was rooted [not in human work] but in the Gospel.
“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast” Ephesians 2:8-9
Many people assume that their relationship with God is based on their own works, yet Luther reminds us that if human work is the way to right your relationship with God, we are in great trouble. As we remember October 31st , 1517 and the Reformation, it is not only a moment to remember Luther nailing the 95theses on the doors at Castle Church, but also a reminder [right now] to look to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.
If you are broken with guilt, Jesus is for you.
If you are wondering where you stand with God, Jesus is for you.
If you are questioning forgiveness, Jesus is for you.
If you are uncertain about salvation, Jesus is for you.
This is the heart of the Reformation. It is Jesus “for you”. Have a blessed of month of October as you dwell upon the grace of our Lord: His death, His resurrection, His ascension, the Word, the Sacraments, from God to man, Jesus is for you for the forgiveness of your sins.
Have a blessed October
✝️ Pastor Jeong
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