Thursday, April 8, 2021
The Good Life
Christ is Risen!
He is Risen Indeed! Alleuia!
As we continue to celebrate the season of Easter, we rejoice in the glory of the resurrection and the victory over sin, death and the power of the devil. It is during the great fifty days of Easter where I will wear my white stole every Sunday which points to purity and perfection, “though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow” [Isaiah 1:18]. Indeed, washed by our Lord’s sacrificial blood, we rest in the Good Life: the death and resurrection of our Lord. A time of perpetual joy as we rejoice in the reality that bursts from the victorious words, “He has Risen, He is not here” [Mark 16:6]. Indeed, this is The Good Life as we live under the redemption-the forgiveness of sins, comforted by the grave which has lost its sting-eternal life, and rejoice in the salvation of our Lord.
“This is Good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” 1 Timothy 2:3-4
As we continue to be faithful to the Lord’s call to baptize and teach [Matthew 28:19-20], I pray that we have a renewed urgency to see the mission that is before us. The pandemic has caused a great upheaval in our world and many people are searching for the Good life in the midst of chaos, strife and discord. As a church, we continue to proclaim the life-giving Word-the Law and the Gospel for the forgiveness of sins.
As you continue to give your weekly offering, I pray that you understand the goal at Faith Lutheran Church. We are not simply trying to survive or keep afloat, but rather we have a great opportunity to help those not only in our local community but also for those who proclaim the Lord’s truth throughout the world. After further conversation with the elders and council, we decided to extend our mission offerings to the seminary.
“What does this mean?”
We will participate in the “Adopt-a-student” program at both Ft Wayne & St Louis seminaries. Recalling my time at seminary, words could not express the support that we received from congregations throughout the country. More than just financial support but also the prayers and encouragement are vital to our time in seminary. Whether it was putting food on the table, or help paying for an emergency, the adopt-a-student program was very helpful in our academic time at Seminary. We will have further updates on the seminarians that we will support.
Also, we continue to support Centro Cristiano Hispano [Pastor Bradshaw], as well as Philadelphia Lutheran Ministries [Pastor Kieselowsky - see update in newsletter]. The motive is simple. We have the good life, and this Life is in His Son. Our mission is to extend the message of the Good Life to all the world so that everyone believes and confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord. I pray that we may continue to give cheerfully, joyfully, and generously as we help fulfill this very mission.
Christ is Risen!
He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!
✝️ Pastor Jeong
The full newsletter can be found here:
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