Saturday, October 3, 2020
Our Speak
The title says it all. For we speak about what we know. Conversely, we dare not speak about what we do not know. Whether it be a history teacher who is assigned to teach an AP calculus, or a physicist who is assigned to teach at the culinary academy, we can agree that this would be a difficult task. Yet if the history teacher was assigned to instruct AP US History or the physicist was giving a lecture to a physics class, this would have a much better result.
With all that is happening in our world today, “our speak” is of great significance. Not only are people facing the pandemic but also its cascading effects such as stress, anxiety, grief and loneliness.
Through these challenges, our speak is vastly important in these tenuous times. What we believe, teach and confess in Christ are words that people need to hear. I know certain catch-phrases such as “evangelism”, or “outreach” may yield responses such as, “I’m not well-versed or prepared for all the questions they may ask”. Others may say, “I have no idea what to say”. While others will say, “it’s just not for me”.
In Robert Kolb’s book, “Speaking the Gospel Today” [CPH, Kolb, 204] he writes,
“The Christian witness perceives the task of witnessing to God’s saving work in Jesus Christ is intimately and inextricably tied up with the study of the Scriptures. Believers then also read the Scriptures not to master their content as would a literary scholar but rather to master the message which, as witnessing disciples, they will use for the conversion and restoration of lost and defiant people to disciples who trust and love and fear Him in every part of their lives”
I know... you have heard me say it before. The health of the church is rooted in the study of the Holy Scriptures. Bible study is important for everyone. Of course, it is not simply to master the scriptures but rather to use the mastery of scripture as witnessing disciples. Yet if we are not studying the scriptures, what is there to say to those that need to hear the Word of Christ. Inevitably we will rest on platitudes, thoughts, feelings, worldly philosophies etc. And soon enough our witness ceases to exist.
Evangelism is simply speaking about what you know. And we must ask ourselves, in regards to the scriptures, what do I know? How much do I read the bible? Have I checked into the various studies offered by my Church? I’m glad you asked! I encourage every one of you to join our study on the Book of Galatians, along with our “What does this mean?” series [and our weekly devotions] as we dig deeper into scripture.
1 Peter 3:15 “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you..”
Your prepared defense is the Word of God. And thus, through the word, you speak. So come join us as we fellowship together in the Word (in isolation how important this is to be together!). In one mind and one faith let us walk together as we study, dwell, discuss and inwardly digest the Holy Scriptures.
After all, we speak what we know. Our words are so important in this age. For we need to be ready to defend the hope that is in us. The hope that this afflicted world is desperately searching for. Through the Living Word of God, there we find “our speak” that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Living God!
A blessed October to you all.
✝️ Pastor Jeong
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