Monday, August 1, 2011
August 2011
What are we doing here? Now, don't worry, I am not getting all philosophical with this question. I am actually asking quite practically, what are we doing here at Faith? What is the point of coming to church or studying the Bible with each other? What are we doing to improve our community both within and outside of the walls of the church? What is God calling us to do? To be? These are just some of the questions I have been wrestling with and praying about for the better part of the past year. It is not that they had not been on my heart before, but this last year these questions have really been weighing heavy on me.
How would you respond if someone were to ask you the question, "What are you doing here at Faith?" Do you have a clear picture of where you fit in around here? Do you know what you are called to be doing here? Are you supposed to be doing anything here? Do you ever wish you could be more involved but are not quite sure how that works? Maybe these are some questions you have wrestled with or maybe you have others. But how would you respond?
Asking what we are doing here is actually the wrong question for a church to be asking. The real question we should be concerned about is this: What is Jesus doing here? And, how can we be a part of that? We should never try and figure out what our vision is for our congregation. Rather, with our noses in the text of Scripture and our eyes on the community we should prayerfully be asking the Lord what His vision is for our congregation. This is my prayer. I ask you to join me in this prayer so that we can know where it is the Lord is going to lead us and use us.
As a result of this prayer and study, this September I am going to be doing a sermon series on a vision for the congregation. Many wonderfill things are happening in our church every week. However, many of those things happen without anyone either knowing that they are happening or why they are happening. I have become convinced that we need a clear vision of what our church is all about so that, as members of Christ's body in this place, we know what it is Jesus is calling us to. It is my prayer that the Holy Spirit uses this vision as a way of showing us where He wants us to go and what He wants us to do. So, I am asking all of you to make a point of it to be with us for the first three weeks in September (the 4th, 11th, & 18th) as we seek direction from the Lord. It is going to be very important for you to join us so that you can begin to seek clearly what is we are doing here, what you are doing here, and most importantly, what Jesus is doing here.
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