Saturday, March 19, 2011
Christ in the Strangest Places
God is always showing up in the most bizarre places with the most surprising company. It really is a bizarre thing, when you sit down and think about it, that God chose to work through Israel. They were a small, enslaved nation with a tendency to follow after pagan gods. And yet, God promised their father, Abraham, that He would do great things for these, his descendants. As God worked through Israel, it is interesting to see how He so often chose weak and foolish methods to accomplish His purposes (1 Corinthians 1:28). We know the big stories of the Exodus and the rise of David, but there are many stories in the Old Testament where our God is at work in strange, small ways with the least likely of people in the most bizarre of situations. And, all the while, He is accomplishing His purposes in preparing the world for the coming of His Son, Jesus Christ who will come in the most strange way (the eternal God born of a peasant virgin) and save the world through the least likely method (being overtaken by His enemies and crucified on a torturous cross). But that is how our dear Father works, in ways we could never expect.
This year for our Wednesday evening Lenten services we will be examining some of these lesser known stories found in the Old Testament to see how they point us to Jesus. Our series "Christ in the Strangest Places: Foreshadowed, Fulfilled, Forever" show us Christ at work throughout the Old Testament for His people. This will be a very surprising look at how God works in the most mysterious of ways through the most unsuspecting people.
This is truly going to be an encouraging and challenging series for us. I think that sometimes, as a smaller church, we get the idea that we are unable to do anything effective in the community because of our size. We may think we don't have the same resources of the same opportunities as other, larger churches do. But, such thinking means that our eyes are not looking in the right direction. It means we are looking at ourselves and not at our God. He is not bound by our size, our talents, our resources. He is already working through us, as He promised He would (And surely, I am with you always - Matthew 28:20). And, He will continue to do it!
So, please join us on Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm throughout Lent (March 9th - April 13th) to see how God works through the most surprising of means. And come see how He continues to do so through us!
On another, though similar, note. Please keep our church in your prayers as we have begun working with St. Paul's, Agoura Hills and Redeemer, Thousand Oaks on our Cures and Connections project. Remember, this is the project where we will be working with these churches to see how we can more effectively work together in reaching out to our community. Our first meeting was here at Faith on Feb 24th. Please pray that the Lord would guide us in this process. Please keep Jim Gerde, Doug Wicks, Tara and Anthony Payne, and myself in your prayers as we follow where the Lord is guiding us in this process. Please see me if you have any questions! Thanks!
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