Thursday, January 6, 2011
A Class For You!
"The Bible never tells us to baptize babies. So why do we?" "What do we believe about predestination?" "Why do you call yourselves Lutherans? Do you worship Martin Luther?" "What's the difference between Lutherans and (fill in the denomination here)?" These are questions I get all the time. So, the other week in Sunday morning Bible study when we took a survey to discuss what we should do for our next topic, I was not surprised to hear some people ask to discuss what it is that Lutherans actually believe. As a result of such questions and our discussion that Sunday, starting on January 2nd we will be examining what it is Lutherans actually believe. Our study will be based out of the Bible where we will go to examine the most pertinent texts that help shape our theology. If there is one thing we need to know about Lutheranism, it is that it is utterly Biblical. To help keep us on topic, we will be using the new book by Concordia Publishing House entitled, "Lutheranism 101." If you are interested in taking the class, it will be helpful, but not necessary, to pick up this book. (Go to www.cph.org to find the book).
Now, for some of you this class sounds interesting and you are glad to come. However, I am aware that some of you will be thinking of reasons right now why you don't need this class. Perhaps you think you know enough about Lutheranism and this will only be review. Perhaps you think studying Scripture and its theology is a waste of time. Perhaps you think we will do nothing but toot our own horn and rip on other denominations. Perhaps you think it will be too much information and you won't understand a thing. Let me just say that if these are your reasons (or if you have any other reasons) that you should give the class a try. If you're an expert, you can help teach. If you think studying the scripture is a waste of time you are (and I say this with love) totally wrong and this class will make you love it! If you think we are just going to rip other denominations I promise there will be no ripping (though there will be times of comparison). And if you think this will be information overload, I will work with you to make it more manageable.
I am very excited for this class. I think it will be a lot of fun and very beneficial for our congregation to revisit (or visit for the first time for some us) what it is we believe and why we believe it. Studying the Word together will strengthen our faith and the unity we share. Further, it will give us more confidence as we go out to talk about Jesus. Please see me if you have any questions or need help getting a book. Join us to learn all about the treasures of our faith that we believe God has for you!
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