Friday, August 23, 2019
Everyone His Witness: Luke 8:26-39
Hopeless, helpless, broken, and demon possessed, the man at the Gerasenes was in dire need. After sailing to the Gerasenes, Jesus saw his tragic situation. Living amongst the tombs, without clothes and house, he was bound with chains and shackles yet even those could not contain the demons that possessed him. For it is Christ who comes to people that need Him. Whether it be, the woman at the well [Jn4], blind Bartimaeus [Mk10], dead Lazarus [Jn11], Jairus daughter [Mk5], ten lepers [Lk17], the list goes on and on as Jesus came for the broken [Mt11].
Therefore as we see this helpless demon possessed man, it is Jesus who comes to the rescue. Jesus overturns what appears to be an easy victory for the demons. Yet now, they were beggars as Jesus had dominion over them. The power of Jesus and His promise would defeat and destroy these demons that would lead them to their abyss-filled demise.
We see the tragedies that have sadly become the state of normalcy within our world. Violence, strife, murder and mass shootings seem to be a common news headline that has become a broken record on our evening news. To no surprise this is, for we live in a broken and evil world that is separated from God. And though many will seek answers for a better world, we know that it begins and ends in Christ Jesus. Thus, you and I play an important role as God's ambassadors and witnesses to the truth!
A witness is someone who simply reports an event they have seen. As witnesses of Christ, we do the same.
"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light" 1 Peter 2:9.
As God's redeemed people, you have the answer to eternal life [Jn6:68]. The world is constantly searching, and we are here as witnesses to "proclaim the excellencies" of God. I know that witnessing/outreach/evangelism, may seem like a daunting task for all of us, but remember the man at the Gerasenes. Without Christ, this man would forever be held captive to the bondage of sin death and the devil. Likewise, the plague of sin and death continues to be the disease in which our humanity suffers. Yet, Jesus knows our need and wants everything to do with us. His death and resurrection delivers us from darkness and into His marvelous light so that we are His "chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession".
Someone once told me, "if you had the cure the cancer, wouldn't you want to share it with the whole world?". And you do. It's Jesus! Eternal life, the forgiveness of sins, and salvation has released you from sin and death and has given you the greatest victory in Christ Jesus! A witness you are! To what God has done for you!
I highly encourage you to attend our "Everyone His Witness" bible study. Come join us every Wednesday [10am or 7:45pm] to study and discuss witnessing, outreach and evangelism. Thus far, It has been a great blessing to reflect upon the joys and challenges of the field. So come join us as we study a topic that is so important in these grey and latter days. See you there!
✝️ Pastor Jeong
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