Friday, February 23, 2018
(I know what you are thinking....but read on!)
But the secret of evangelism is your being. Who are you? It begins in the gospel message. "We must grasp what it means for God to love US so much that He sent Jesus to die on the Cross... If we don't truly get the Gospel, our witness becomes a works-related task or an outward expression of the Law that put those demands on us. Getting the Gospel moves us to serve willingly and effectively in sharing the Gospel as a child of God" (Make Him Known, p.14). Through the free gift of the Gospel (Eph 2:8-9, 1 Cor 6:20) we serve in gratitude. Rather than "I", it is God who works through us as we serve, share, proclaim in the freedom of Christ. If evangelism becomes a burden, we must harken back to the promise of Christ and the cross. There at Calvary we find our true joy that has set us free! The burden has been lifted off our shoulders! Thanks be to God, for it is through the joy of Christ that we live as beacons of light to our family, friends, and community.
May the Holy Spirit guide and strengthen you in your witness to those that God has placed in your life. If you have in anyone in mind as you read this, pray for them and never stop praying. Pray the Lord may convict their heart. Pray the Lord may grant them faith in Christ. Pray the Holy Spirit may give you His words to share and defend the hope that is in Christ Jesus (1Pet 3:15). After all, this is the Lord's doing as we are mere instruments that share His word.
During this season of Lent, I encourage all of you to bring someone to church. Invite and encourage them to come and hear the greatest news delivered in Christ Jesus. What a great opportunity for all of us here at Faith Moorpark to be the shining lights of Christ in the midst of this dark and dying world. Everyone needs the Gospel. Everyone needs Christ for eternal life, forgiveness and salvation.
Also, if you would like to know more about evangelism, please attend our Wednesday morning class (10am) as we discuss the book "Make Him Known". And/or join us for our midweek services (7:30pm) as we preach on "The Gospel in Seven Words: Preparing to Confess".
Blessings to you all,
+Pastor Jeong
The full newsletter can be found here:
"How do I know who I should witness to?"These are common questions that arise when the big "E" word is used for the sake of outreach. What can I do? What do I say? How do I go about confessing the faith? Am I equipped? Do I have the knowledge and the words to defend the hope of Christ? Evangelism is a word that causes rise to these questions and often lead to an avalanche of doubt, inadequacy and fear.
"What is the secret to successful evangelism?"
"I'm an Introvert, how can I witness to people, I don't know?"
"Is witnessing my job anyway?"
"I really don't know the Bible that well, so how can I be an evangelist"
Excerpt from Lutheran Hour Ministries "Make Him Known" p.3
But the secret of evangelism is your being. Who are you? It begins in the gospel message. "We must grasp what it means for God to love US so much that He sent Jesus to die on the Cross... If we don't truly get the Gospel, our witness becomes a works-related task or an outward expression of the Law that put those demands on us. Getting the Gospel moves us to serve willingly and effectively in sharing the Gospel as a child of God" (Make Him Known, p.14). Through the free gift of the Gospel (Eph 2:8-9, 1 Cor 6:20) we serve in gratitude. Rather than "I", it is God who works through us as we serve, share, proclaim in the freedom of Christ. If evangelism becomes a burden, we must harken back to the promise of Christ and the cross. There at Calvary we find our true joy that has set us free! The burden has been lifted off our shoulders! Thanks be to God, for it is through the joy of Christ that we live as beacons of light to our family, friends, and community.
May the Holy Spirit guide and strengthen you in your witness to those that God has placed in your life. If you have in anyone in mind as you read this, pray for them and never stop praying. Pray the Lord may convict their heart. Pray the Lord may grant them faith in Christ. Pray the Holy Spirit may give you His words to share and defend the hope that is in Christ Jesus (1Pet 3:15). After all, this is the Lord's doing as we are mere instruments that share His word.
During this season of Lent, I encourage all of you to bring someone to church. Invite and encourage them to come and hear the greatest news delivered in Christ Jesus. What a great opportunity for all of us here at Faith Moorpark to be the shining lights of Christ in the midst of this dark and dying world. Everyone needs the Gospel. Everyone needs Christ for eternal life, forgiveness and salvation.
Also, if you would like to know more about evangelism, please attend our Wednesday morning class (10am) as we discuss the book "Make Him Known". And/or join us for our midweek services (7:30pm) as we preach on "The Gospel in Seven Words: Preparing to Confess".
Blessings to you all,
+Pastor Jeong
The full newsletter can be found here:
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