Sunday, August 9, 2009
Coming this Fall...
I am very excited to let you know about two very cool opportunities we have coming up for you this Fall. We are going to offering two (!) Wednesday studies to help you grow in your faith and knowledge of Jesus.
First, we will be offering a Bible Study series known as Crossways. I cannot begin to tell you how many people come up to me and say that they wish they knew more about the Bible. If this is you or if you have ever wanted to grow in your knowledge of the Bible, Crossways is the study for you! Over a two year period we will meet to go through the major themes of each book in the Bible, learning the context in which they were written, and understanding what that means for us today. We will see how the whol Bible is about God's plan of salvation in Jesus Christ. I know, I know, two years sounds like a lot. However, what is it going to hurt to just try it out for a few weeks? If it is too much of a commitment, that is fine. But I bet you will be so captured by the Scriptures that you will be starving for more! See myself or Dave Bovey if you have questions.
Second, I am incredibly fired up to announce that Doug and Donna Graham will be leading a study in their home through the book, The Love Dare. For those of us who are married, we know that our lives are crazy with work and the kids. We don't have a lot of time to spend with our spouses and work on our relationship. If this is you, or even if you have no marital struggles (so, none of us reading this!) and just want to grow closer with your spouse and other couples in the church, then this study is for you. As a personal plug for this, Steph and I have been working through The Love Dare and it has been a real blessing for our marriage! I can't encourage you enough to join this study! See Doug and Donna for more information.
Please be on the lookout for sign-up sheets and more information (such as dates and times) to follow. Prayerfully consider joining one of these studies. In fact, stop your reading right where you are and pray about whether or not God wants you to be a part of one of these studies. God blesses us in remarkable ways when we study His Word as a body.
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