Sunday, May 3, 2009
Centro Cristiano Moorpark - May 2009
The Hispanic Outreach Ministry at Faith continues to move forward as Pastor Dennis Bradshaw makes contacts within the Hispanic community here in Moorpark. However, Centro Cristiano Hispano (CCH) is in need of our help.
In this newsletter is a letter from Pastor Dennis that I hope you would read with a prayerful heart. This is a letter that went out to all the churches in Circuit One and Two of the Pacific Southwest District, not just to Faith. Much of the funding upon which CCH has relied in the past is expected to be much less in the coming year. But the need to reach people with the Gospel is just as great as ever.
As a congregation, we at Faith have supported CCH for many years. By God’s grace and mercy, this important missionary ministry of the Church in the Hispanic community has flourished over the years. We have seen the Gospel take root in Santa Paula and now it’s beginning to grow here in the Moorpark Hispanic community. We have seen our own congregation continue to grow. So we know that that where the Gospel is preached, Christ’s Church will grow.
Your help is needed to make sure that CCH can continue to work in the Hispanic mission field. Please consider giving an additional $20 each month as a designated offering to Centro Cristiano Hispano. That’s only $5 a week, much less than what most of us spend at Starbucks! So if all the families of our churches within Circuit One and Two would each give $5 a week to CCH, this shortfall in funding would be solved. And Christ’s ministry in the Hispanic community would continue.
On April 25, the Bradshaw along with Blight Lifters, a local church group which has removed graffiti from our property, held a picnic in the park behind the church. The Bradshaws have made additional contacts with a number of people within the community.
Leo Garcia from Centro Cristiano Santa Paula, who has visited with us several times and has been working with Pastor and Tara Bradshaw to make contacts within the Hispanic community, suffered a very serious injury when he fell 12 feet and fractured vertebrae in his back. Fortunately, there was no paralysis and after surgery, he is now up and walking about. Please keep Leo in your prayers.
Pastor Dennis is planning on beginning an ESL class at Faith for Hispanic members of the neighborhood on Saturday, May 2. This is an opportunity to meet a real need of people in the community, develop personal relationships, and bring the church to the neighborhood.
For those who are interested, Pastor Bradshaw is also willing to teach an SSL class affectionately known as Spanish for Gringos. If you are interested, contact Pastor Hiller or Dave Bovey and they will make arrangements.
As this ministry begins to grow, more people will be using the church facilities. If you are planning an activity, be sure to check with Tina in the Church Office so she can schedule your activity.
Contribution Information
Please send support to:
Centro Cristiano Hispano
c/o 1200 Maria Way
Oxnard, CA 93030
or call Pastor Dennis at 805-983-1619Labels: centro-cristiano, mission
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