Sunday, January 6, 2008
Top Five Lists and the New Year!
Happy New Year! As one year winds down and another is about to begin, it is always a helpful thing to reflect on the past year. What was good, what was bad, what was ugly, etc. For me these reflections always results in the same thing: Top 5 Lists! What were my top five songs of 2007? What about the top five movies I saw or books I read? Or how about the top five meals? This is also a great way to discuss your year with friends and family and demonstrate how much better your list is than theirs (kidding of course)! Going through these lists is an enjoyable way for me to think back on my best experiences of the past year.
As we move into January and into a new sermon series, we are going to be looking at what I think may be the top five big questions about God in our society today. Everywhere you look these days faith, religion, and God are all under a great amount of scrutiny from every angle. Many people view this as an attack on the established beliefs and principles of the Christian church. I view it as an opportunity that God is presenting to us to engage in conversation with our friends and neighbors who question what we believe and who need to hear the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Please join us as we examine the big questions of the faith as listed below. This would also be a great opportunity to invite your friends to join us to hear how the church deals with these big questions. Maybe you could make a top five list of people you know who need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ and invite them to join us!
The Big Questions!
As we move into January and into a new sermon series, we are going to be looking at what I think may be the top five big questions about God in our society today. Everywhere you look these days faith, religion, and God are all under a great amount of scrutiny from every angle. Many people view this as an attack on the established beliefs and principles of the Christian church. I view it as an opportunity that God is presenting to us to engage in conversation with our friends and neighbors who question what we believe and who need to hear the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Please join us as we examine the big questions of the faith as listed below. This would also be a great opportunity to invite your friends to join us to hear how the church deals with these big questions. Maybe you could make a top five list of people you know who need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ and invite them to join us!
The Big Questions!
- December 30 - Is There A God?
There are many people these days claiming that God does not exist, he is merely a figment of our imagination to help us sleep at night. We will examine the claims of the so-called "new" atheists and compare them with the claims of Christianity. - January 6 - Which Way Do I Go?
Do all paths lead us to heaven? Is there really only one way to God or are all religions basically equal? We will examine the different claims of how one can inherit eternal life. - January 13 - Who Was Jesus Really?
There are many theories these days as to who Jesus was and about what he said and did. We will examine these claims and get to the bottom of the question, "Who was Jesus?" - January 20 - What's the Point?
Is there any purpose in this world? Is their any purpose in my life? Or, is this whole existence just a grand cosmic accident? We will examine the Christian claims of God's purposeful creation verses the claims of evolution. - January 27 - Does God Even Know I Exist?
Looking at our lives, we may wonder if God is ever there, and if he is, does he even care about us? We will see how the God of the universe loves us and cares a great deal for us, even when he seems to be distant.
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