Monday, September 1, 2014
September 2014
I always look forward to September here at church. Don't get me wrong, I love summers at Faith with VBS, the 3rd of July, the summer picnics, and even the break from activities in August. But, as August drags on I grow antsy. I get downright excited as I start planning for the fall Bible studies, confirmation, and the next sermon series! This fall is no exception. I cannot wait to get the ball rolling! Let me give you a little preview of what we have coming up:
Worshiping: New Sermon Series
Greatness - How do you define greatness? Success, wealth, popularity, power? These are just a few of the words that come to mind when we think of greatness. But how does God define greatness? In Matthew 18, the disciples come to Jesus asking Him who is the greatest in the Kingdom of God. Jesus gives an answer that both redefines what constitutes greatness and teaches how to live faithfully in His church. Please be sure you join us as we are challenged and strengthened by Christ's Word.
Growing: Bible Study
The Triumph of the Lamb: A Study in Revelation - As I have been announcing all summer, we will be studying the book of Revelation this fall. It is no exaggeration to say that this book is greatly misunderstood, misused, and mistaken to be something it isn't. On a popular level, it is often presented in a very sensational and inaccessible way. As we dig into this book, we will find that the Lord has given us a breathtaking picture of what life will be like for the church in the time between Christ's ascension and His second coming. There is no secret message about the end of time hidden in this book, rather, the message comes through loud and clear: Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, will triumph over all that is evil and His church will sing His praises forever! Join us on Sundays at 9:15 am and/or Wednesdays at 10:00 am or 7:00 pm for this exciting study!
I always love to get confirmation started again! This fall our 7th and 8th graders will be taking a close look at the Lord's Prayer. These classes will be at 6:00 pm on Wednesdays. On Sundays at 9:15 am, our 6th graders will be learning about the overarching story of scripture.
As you can see, we have a lot of great stuff happening this fall. Let me encourage you to be a part of these times of worship and growth. During the summer, it is easy to get out of the habit of being a part of the life of the church. Make September a time for you and your family to get back into the flow! It is going to be such an awesome fall! I can't wait to receive the gifts of God alongside all of you!
Pastor Bob
Worshiping: New Sermon Series
Greatness - How do you define greatness? Success, wealth, popularity, power? These are just a few of the words that come to mind when we think of greatness. But how does God define greatness? In Matthew 18, the disciples come to Jesus asking Him who is the greatest in the Kingdom of God. Jesus gives an answer that both redefines what constitutes greatness and teaches how to live faithfully in His church. Please be sure you join us as we are challenged and strengthened by Christ's Word.
Growing: Bible Study
The Triumph of the Lamb: A Study in Revelation - As I have been announcing all summer, we will be studying the book of Revelation this fall. It is no exaggeration to say that this book is greatly misunderstood, misused, and mistaken to be something it isn't. On a popular level, it is often presented in a very sensational and inaccessible way. As we dig into this book, we will find that the Lord has given us a breathtaking picture of what life will be like for the church in the time between Christ's ascension and His second coming. There is no secret message about the end of time hidden in this book, rather, the message comes through loud and clear: Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, will triumph over all that is evil and His church will sing His praises forever! Join us on Sundays at 9:15 am and/or Wednesdays at 10:00 am or 7:00 pm for this exciting study!
I always love to get confirmation started again! This fall our 7th and 8th graders will be taking a close look at the Lord's Prayer. These classes will be at 6:00 pm on Wednesdays. On Sundays at 9:15 am, our 6th graders will be learning about the overarching story of scripture.
As you can see, we have a lot of great stuff happening this fall. Let me encourage you to be a part of these times of worship and growth. During the summer, it is easy to get out of the habit of being a part of the life of the church. Make September a time for you and your family to get back into the flow! It is going to be such an awesome fall! I can't wait to receive the gifts of God alongside all of you!
Pastor Bob
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