Monday, September 8, 2008
Back into the Swing of Things
I love the Fall! Vacations are ending, school is starting, football is bringing joy and excitement to all our lives! Fall means that life is about to pick back up here at Faith Lutheran Church as well. We are going to be having a lot of exciting things happen around here in the next few months, and I hope that you will consider participating in a number of them.
The big Sunday you need to be aware of is September 14th. We have two major things happening on that Sunday. First, you will be receiving a survey asking you some questions about the ministry here at church and your own walk with the Lord. I am asking you all to please fill it out as the results of this survey will prove to be incredibly valuable as we are seeking ways in which we can be more effective in equipping you to live out the faith you have received from Christ.
Also that Sunday, after our 10:15 service, we will be having a congregational meeting. At this meeting I will be letting you know about what we are thinking in terms of sharing our facility with a Hispanic congregation. We have had a core group of people meeting over the last few weeks to discuss how our congregation might be able to work alongside Centro de Cristiano in starting some kind of Hispanic outreach here in Moorpark. This meeting will serve as a place to bring everyone up to speed with this endeavor as well as a place for you to bring questions and concerns before this committee as we continue to move forward with this exciting new ministry
Please pray for our congregation as we are seeking to do God's will in Moorpark. God has called our church to this place at this time for a reason. He is sending us out into our city in order to work through us as His messengers of good news. Please join us as we set about the Lord's work in Moorpark!
The big Sunday you need to be aware of is September 14th. We have two major things happening on that Sunday. First, you will be receiving a survey asking you some questions about the ministry here at church and your own walk with the Lord. I am asking you all to please fill it out as the results of this survey will prove to be incredibly valuable as we are seeking ways in which we can be more effective in equipping you to live out the faith you have received from Christ.
Also that Sunday, after our 10:15 service, we will be having a congregational meeting. At this meeting I will be letting you know about what we are thinking in terms of sharing our facility with a Hispanic congregation. We have had a core group of people meeting over the last few weeks to discuss how our congregation might be able to work alongside Centro de Cristiano in starting some kind of Hispanic outreach here in Moorpark. This meeting will serve as a place to bring everyone up to speed with this endeavor as well as a place for you to bring questions and concerns before this committee as we continue to move forward with this exciting new ministry
Please pray for our congregation as we are seeking to do God's will in Moorpark. God has called our church to this place at this time for a reason. He is sending us out into our city in order to work through us as His messengers of good news. Please join us as we set about the Lord's work in Moorpark!
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