Sunday, November 8, 2020
The Word of God
“In the dark valleys of life you don’t need platitudes. You need Jesus. Read this book with open ears and an open heart, and you will find consolation, solace and peace in Him. In times of calamity we need the unvarnished truth. Tribulation will occur in this world. Jesus said so. But it’s also true that He has overcome the world. And in His cross and resurrection there’s hope for you”
In Harold Senkbeil’s, “Christ and Calamity: Grace & Gratitude in the Darkest Valley” he writes an important devotion for our time. With Covid-19 and many uncertainties that continue to loom, The Word is the gracious redirect that points us to the unvarnished truth. For it is quite easy to be caught up in the calamity of our time, even to the point of believing that these dark valleys have become who we are. Yes, the evil foe propagates such words of disbelief, enveloping you in these trenches of great discouragement.
It is in this tension that we see how important the Word of God is. We are not merely fighting the principalities of this world, but rather we battle the spiritual forces of evil. But mind you, we are unable to do this alone, for within ourselves we will not overcome. Rather, with the full armor of God, we proceed in the Cross and Resurrection of our Lord.
Therefore, I invite you to participate in a time of devotion and meditation with me. Though many of you are isolated, I pray that this opportunity will be of great of benefit to you. Spanning over eleven devotions, we will read and discuss the important topics of our faith. And though we are apart, it is the Word that binds each of us together in order to face the days ahead. Beginning on November 18 , I will discuss the first chapter through a video devotion on Facebook Live and YouTube. I pray that you will join me as we rejoice in God’s grace and gratitude even in the darkest of valleys. So gather around your loved ones as we journey together rejoicing in the peace of Christ and His eternal promises!
“Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me” Ps 50:15
Let us pray:
“Lord, you know the deep places through which our lives must go: Help us, when we enter them, to lift our hearts to you; help us to be patient when we are afflicted, to be humble when we are in distress; and grant that the hope of your mercy may never fail us, and the consciousness of your lovingkindness may never be clouded or hidden from our eyes; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen”.
May God continue to bless and keep you in His gracious Word. Through all distress and affliction, may His peace grant you the joy to meet the days ahead. I continue to pray for you and if you ever need a visit, let me know. I am here.
Blessings in Christ,
+Pr Jeong
Copies of the book will be available at church. A free will offering is encouraged to cover the cost of the book.
✝️ Pastor Jeong
The full newsletter can be found here: