Thursday, March 22, 2018
Vacation Bible School!
Again, I know what you are thinking!
"Pastor, it's only April, it's too early to bring this up!"
Yes, you might be right but I mention it because VBS is an important outreach to our community. What a great time to be visible in our community as we share the light of Christ. And this year's theme is "Splash Canyon". Based on water events in the Bible (Ex 2:Baby Moses in the River, Jsh 3-4-Crossing the River Jordan, 2Kgs 5-Naaman cleansed in the Jordan, Act 27-God saves Paul from the Sea, Mt 3-Jesus is Baptized), the children will learn about the life-saving message of God's word in Christ Jesus. What a great opportunity to be the salt and light as we extend the Word to our community!
Jesus says in Matthew 5:13, "You are the salt of the earth". Salt preserves and gives life to the decayed. Therefore, the disciples (and you) are the salt of the world that preserves and gives life through the proclamation of the Gospel. Everyone needs Jesus and we are here to share the salt-preserving message of Christ and the forgiveness of sins.
Jesus says in Matthew 5:14 "You are the light of the World". The world needs The Eternal Light of Christ. For, it is Christ who overcomes darkness through His death and resurrection. Through His light-giving work, we share His Gospel like a "city set on a hill [that] cannot be hidden". What great joy to share the Christ who has brought us forth from the domain of darkness to His marvelous light!
Though I have lead many VBS events in the past, this will be the first at Faith Lutheran-Moorpark. And I need your help. Whether it is pre-VBS preparations (snack donations, decorations, pre-registration etc) or during VBS (crafts, snack helpers, guides, games and music leaders) there are many positions that need to be filled. May you see this as a great opportunity to share the message of Christ to all the VBS children and their families.
I pray, through our faithful efforts, the Lord will bring many to the faith in Christ Jesus. And I also encourage all of you to be the salt and light as we share the message of Christ and in Him Crucified!
The full newsletter can be found here:
"Pastor, it's only April, it's too early to bring this up!"
Yes, you might be right but I mention it because VBS is an important outreach to our community. What a great time to be visible in our community as we share the light of Christ. And this year's theme is "Splash Canyon". Based on water events in the Bible (Ex 2:Baby Moses in the River, Jsh 3-4-Crossing the River Jordan, 2Kgs 5-Naaman cleansed in the Jordan, Act 27-God saves Paul from the Sea, Mt 3-Jesus is Baptized), the children will learn about the life-saving message of God's word in Christ Jesus. What a great opportunity to be the salt and light as we extend the Word to our community!
Jesus says in Matthew 5:13, "You are the salt of the earth". Salt preserves and gives life to the decayed. Therefore, the disciples (and you) are the salt of the world that preserves and gives life through the proclamation of the Gospel. Everyone needs Jesus and we are here to share the salt-preserving message of Christ and the forgiveness of sins.
Jesus says in Matthew 5:14 "You are the light of the World". The world needs The Eternal Light of Christ. For, it is Christ who overcomes darkness through His death and resurrection. Through His light-giving work, we share His Gospel like a "city set on a hill [that] cannot be hidden". What great joy to share the Christ who has brought us forth from the domain of darkness to His marvelous light!
Though I have lead many VBS events in the past, this will be the first at Faith Lutheran-Moorpark. And I need your help. Whether it is pre-VBS preparations (snack donations, decorations, pre-registration etc) or during VBS (crafts, snack helpers, guides, games and music leaders) there are many positions that need to be filled. May you see this as a great opportunity to share the message of Christ to all the VBS children and their families.
I pray, through our faithful efforts, the Lord will bring many to the faith in Christ Jesus. And I also encourage all of you to be the salt and light as we share the message of Christ and in Him Crucified!
Save the Date! Join us for VBS 2018 Splash Canyon!
Who: Preschool to Fifth grade
What: VBS 2018 Splash Canyon
When: July 23-27, 9:30am-Noon
Where: Faith Lutheran Church 123 Park Lane Moorpark CA 93021
Registration will be online at faithmoorpark.com
If you are able to help, please speak to Pastor Jeong
The full newsletter can be found here: