Tuesday, April 5, 2011
April 2011
As I mentioned a few weeks ago in a sermon, we are having a lot of exciting conversations around here about evangelism. We have been working with the Pacific Southwest District in their Healthy Connections program to see how we can work alongside other congregations in our area to reach the community with Christ. We have met twice now with Gary Norton, members from Redeemer in TO and St. Pau's in Agoura to discuss what it is we need to be doing for the sake of the kingdom as one body. On top of this, some of our members recently attended the Regional Outreach Conference that was put on by Lutheran Hour Ministries. They came back with tons of good ideas about how we can begin to reach into the community. This month we will be getting these two groups together to discuss how our church can start to move forward in real, concrete ways. (If you are interested in some of the stuff that was taken from the Regional Outreach Conference, check out the website www.whatsmissionu.com).
This is going to be an exciting time for our church. Please be on the lookout for opportunities to take part in outreach events. As we prepare to become more engaged with our community, we must not begin to think that somehow our efforts are going to result in miracles. Rather, we must be in prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to guide us on the paths He has prepared for us. The Holy Spirit is already at work, our prayer is that He would catch us up into what He is doing. We are honored and privileged to be used by the Spirit in the spreading of the Gospel. It is a marvelous thing to think that God can use sinners like us to spread His kingdom. How wonderful to used by our gracious God who has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and brought us into the Kingdom of the Son He loves in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins (Colossians 1:13-14).
As we approach Holy Week and Easter, let it be our prayer that the message of the cross and empty tomb would be ever on our lips and in the ears of our neighbors. In fact, in your prayers, pray that the Lord would show you someone to invite to one of our Easter Services on April 24th where we will celebrate our Lord's victory over sin, death, and hell! Who do you know who needs to hear this message? Better said, who do you know who doesn't need to hear this message? Everyone does! Perhaps your invitation or conversation with them will be the one the Holy Spirit uses to change their hearts!