Friday, March 7, 2025
The beauty of being Lutheran is our faith in the Word of God. From the Gospel and the Sacraments, these gifts indicate that our faith rests upon what He has done for us. And thus, as Christ is our chief cornerstone, we rest upon His Word, His Truth, His promises, for “I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to Him; but the Holy Spirit has called me by the Gospel, enlightened me with His gifts, sanctified and kept me in the true faith”. The Lord works and thus as you gather time and time again for Sunday Bible Study, and Divine Service, it is our Lord who is working on you. From calling you by the Gospel [2Thess2:14], to enlightening you with His gifts [the Sacraments] our Lord sanctifies and keeps you [Rom10:17] through the word. And thus as hearers of the Word, your faith rests upon Christ [1Cor1:23] who declares your righteous and forgives you all your sins. And of course, where there is forgiveness there is also eternal life and salvation. Therefore, take heart, because your faith in Christ has made you well [Lk17:19].
Friends, it has been a privilege to be your pastor since the summer of 2017. Reflecting on my time here at Faith, it truly has been a joy to serve you through the Word and Sacrament. It has been very special to get to know each and every one of you, and surely you will be missed. But the Lord has His time for everything and now it is time to go. Yet as I go, I pray that the Word will dwell within you richly [Col3:16] as the Holy Spirit continues to sustain you in the one true faith. Continue to attend Sunday’s Divine service, continue to attend Sunday bible study, continue to gather together because the Word is working. I have seen how God has shaped you through the word these past seven + years and it has been a marvel and blessing to see! From those who were here when I was installed, to those that became new members, and of course all of our precious little children at Faith, I know that God has great plans for you and I pray that the Word continues to be your enduring faith as you await the next pastor.
With that being said, I am encouraged to see many of you stepping up and helping out as you prepare for what is to come. Continue to be integral part in the life of this congregation. And if you are wondering how you can contribute your time and talents, please speak to any of our leadership and they will gladly assist you! Lastly, thank you for everything. It truly has been a blessing to be your pastor. But thanks be to God, that even as pastors come and go, it does not change a thing, for it is the Word that endures forever. Love you all, praying for you all, and until next time... adios and goodbye.
✝️ Pastor Jeong
The full newsletter can be found here:
Saturday, February 8, 2025
One Thing Is Certain
“The God before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, the God who has been my shepherd all my life long to this day, the angel who has redeemed me from all evil, bless the boys; and in them let my name be carried on, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth”
Genesis 48:15-16
Nearing the end of his life, Jacob gives a blessing to Joseph’s two sons [Ephraim and Manasseh]. Jacob, who is known for supplanting Esau’s birthright [Gen25], toiling under Laban for far too many years [Gen28-31], wrestling with God [Gen28], and living with the supposed loss of his favorite son Joseph [Gen37], it was [to say the least] a storied life for Jacob. Yet, now nearing his 147 th year, he thanks the Lord for His faithfulness. From Abraham [Gen12:1-3] to Isaac [Gen26:2-4], and Jacob [Gen28:10-15], the Lord’s promise continued from generation to generation. And therefore, the Lord’s will be done as Joseph would protect and lead the people through what could have been a life-ending famine. Looking back on his life, Jacob invokes the name of the one true God who had, along with his father and grandfather, been the Shepherd throughout his entire life. Through it all, we learn that there are no guarantees in this world, but one thing is certain: God and His Word.
As you dwell upon your life, we too thank the Lord for being the Shepherd “all my life long to this day”. For this is certainty: our Lord’s faithful and enduring word. For by His Word, we are not only convicted by the law but we also are comforted by the promise of the Gospel for the forgiveness of sins. And therefore, in faith, we continue with certainty in Christ alone.
How thankful we are that Christ has brought us safely to this day. For through His Word and Sacraments, we rest upon the newness of life to which He has given to us by His promise-filled work. So take heart, my friends, for one thing is certain. You are forgiven by the blood of Christ won for you by His death and resurrection. You are robed in His righteousness by the power of God’s Word in the water of Holy Baptism. You have been given the medicine of immortality to which you receive in the body and blood of Jesus at the Lord’s Table for the forgiveness of your sins. Here is where we rest. Not in wonder or bewilderment, but rather in certainty, assurance, and confidence in God and His Word. For this is the certain thing: it is Christ for you.
Have a wonderful February
✝️ Pastor Jeong
The full newsletter can be found here: