Friday, December 6, 2024
I am The Light of the World
It is that time of the year when we see the lights filling the dark sky. From Christmas tree lots, to shopping malls, to houses strewn with beautiful lights, it is a reminder that Christmas is near. For the past seven years, it has been a tradition to drive through Candy Cane Lane in Moorpark. I know most of you are familiar with this neighborhood, but for those who are not, it is a sight to be seen. So majestic and beautiful it is to see the lights shining through the night sky! Indeed, Christmas is a season of light, a season of hope, a season that points to the eternal light of our Savior Jesus Christ!
“I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
Ever since the fall, the darkness of sin and death had come into the world. And therefore, walking in darkness should have been our eternal demise. Without Christ there is no escaping such sentence. And though the world will tout its own ability to overcome such darkness with human reason and strength, Luther writes,
“There are many doctrines in the world. The most exalted among them, when properly taught, is Moses’ Law, the Ten Commandments. Yet these do not lead man from darkness into light. The Law does not inform man how to live eternally and how to be saved. There we are told what we must do, for the Ten Commandments preach about our works; but we cannot keep them. This message by itself does not lead us to the light. It does teach good works, but man cannot perform these if he has only the Law. Man needs another doctrine, namely, that of the Gospel, which declares: I, Christ, am the Light. Without this you cannot be saved…” LW AE 23:324
Indeed, without the Light of Christ, all would be left despairingly in eternal darkness. Some may claim that they are able to merit their way to God but the law cannot lead us to the light nor save us but rather, the law convicts and shows us our sin. In our sorrow and godly grief, we very well know what we deserve. Yet, in faith we repent and rest upon the Light of Christ and the light of life that our Savior delivers through His death and resurrection. Thanks be to God for this life-saving gift for without The Light, where would we be?
So rejoice and be glad because the Light is yours. Through the Gospel and the Sacraments, our gracious God has given you the light-filled gift of eternal life, forgiveness and salvation! Have a wonderful Advent and Christmas as you rejoice in Christ who is The Light for you.
Have a blessed December!
✝️ Pastor Jeong
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