Friday, July 9, 2021
From Gravity to the Gospel
July / August 2021
Gravity: the natural force that tends to cause physical things to move towards each other : the force that causes things to fall towards the Earth.
Have you ever tossed a ball into the air and asked, “I wonder if the ball will ever come back”. Of course not, for the law of gravity teaches, what goes up must come down. So certain we are that whenever we see a baseball released from a pitchers hand, we assume that it will fly 60ft 6 inches straight into the catcher’s glove. This is most certainly true.
Gravity: the condition of being grave or serious
Another certainty is the gravity of our flesh. Ever since the fall [Gen3], humanity was born into the curse of sin. The gravity of the situation is one of great seriousness. “Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin and so death spread to all men because all have sinned” Romans 5:12. Yet our world, through its marginalization of sin, defines it as merely a “bad mistake” or an “awful choice”. Of course, it is more than simply a behavioral misstep. Yet one thing is certain, we were all born in the depravity of sin. We cannot [Is64:6] rescue ourselves from the grave of sin and condemnation. Therefore, the gravity of the fall is something we cannot overcome for we are dead in our sins [Eph2:1] This is most certainly true.
Gospel: The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for eternal life, forgiveness and salvation.
In the midst of our own uncertainty, true certainty is given extra nos. That is, outside of ourselves, our Lord sends His Son into the flesh to be the sacrifice for our sins. Through His own blood shed for you, Jesus delivers you an iron-clad certainty that by His merit and work of the Cross and Empty Tomb, you are redeemed, purchased and won by His precious blood. Though the devil will attempt to cast doubt, “did God really say??”, your certainty is in the words, “He is not here, He is risen, just as He said” Mt 28:6. Through His resurrection, the jaws of eternal death were destroyed and so are the gates of hell. Indeed, this is most certainly true.
Humanity is searching for a gravity-like certainty in the midst of many questions. “How do I know I have eternal life?” “Am I forgiven”, “Am I child of God?”, “Have I done enough to please God and earn my way to His kingdom?”. Many will ponder, even unto their very last breath, these very questions. But for you, the questions are already answered! Your faith is certain. Your salvation is certain. Your forgiveness is certain, for your certainty of faith is Christ alone.
So continue in what is certain. And your certainty is God’s Word and Sacrament. Until the end of time, join us day after day [devotion and bible studies], week after week [Divine Service] as we continually feed on the words of Christ. For here, we rest in the bullseye of certainty that flows from the Cross of Christ alone. Indeed, this is most certainly true.
A blessed July-August to you all
✝️ Pastor Jeong
The full newsletter can be found here: