Saturday, May 1, 2021
Attacking Christianity
“Preach the Word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths”
2 Timothy 4:2-4
Every night Abe plays the piano before he sleeps. I love the way he makes music as it reminds me of what it means to get lost in the sea of sound. Sound is truly beautiful especially when we understand the foundation of music theory, understanding scales, progressions and chords. Yet if we are inadequate in regards to musical theory, we will miss the pure beauty of which this sound brings.
And so it is with St Paul’s words to Timothy. “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teach- ing”. The greatest attack that is the devil’s arsenal is his trickery upon the word. And thus, St Paul teaches Timothy of the reality that is found within ministry. False teachers will teach words that suit the passions of the flesh and soon the hearer will turn from the truth and become lost in sea of unsound falsehood.
If you read the many conflicting news stories pertaining to Christianity, it is a tragic reality as many have turned from the truth. And every time I read about these tragedies, it reminds me that as a church it is absolutely necessary that we teach, teach and teach the complete Word of God. For without knowing the Holy Scriptures how can we even discern whether the ears are itching or falsehood is being taught. For without the knowledge of God’s word, our passions will be the filter to which we proceed which is a dangerous detriment to our faith.
And this is the way the devil attacks Christianity. To bring the dissonant cacophony of unsound teaching that turns people away from the truth of God’s Word. Biblical illiteracy amongst Christians is at an all-time high and thus it is of no surprise how many fall to the itching ears of the unsound teaching. For without the study of God’s Word, how can anyone know what is true or what is false? It’s an important time to renew and study the bible so that not only do we come to the knowledge of truth, but also, learn and inwardly digest the purity of sound teaching.
Therefore, as we restart Sunday Bible Study [9:30-10:15am] this week, I encourage you to attend bible study as we grow deeper into the Word of God. This is a very crucial time and I pray that you will see the importance of study in the Word of God. So come and enjoy as we dwell upon the Scriptures and find great comfort in the Word of our Lord.
Almighty God, our heavenly Father, without Your help our labor is useless, and without Your light our search is in vain. Invigorate our study of Your Holy Word that, by due diligence and right discernment, we may establish ourselves and others in Your holy faith; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
[A prayer before the study of God’s Word, Lutheran Service Book, 312]
God’s blessings to you all.
✝️ Pastor Jeong
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