Sunday, August 30, 2020
Every morning as the alarm rings, the children ask, “Dad! What’s for breakfast?”. And every morning I go to the kitchen, and prepare their food. From setting the toaster oven to the exact same time and temperature, to setting out three plates on the counter, placing vitamins on each plate, and placing three cups on the counter and filling them with milk. The timer goes off and I set their hot food on the plate saying, “breakfast is ready!”. As they slowly make their way to the table, they say, “Dad can you pray?”. And at the end of day, we pray, read the catechism and in one voice confess the Apostles Creed and pray the Lord’s Prayer. It is interesting because as parents we never taught memorization per-se. Rather, through patterns and repetition, night after night, the children simply remember the Word they confess.
Patterns. Yes, they seem mundane. They seem too normal. They seem boring but as we go through these times, ironically, we covet the patterns. For we live in a time of great disruption, where patterns have been capsized due to the pandemic. For our teachers and students, the school year has started and of course, the pattern/structure has vastly changed which has caused great stress all around. For parents, the usual goodbye has become an at home, all-day, is the wi-fi working?, 24-7 adventure. Even for FLC, the patterns of church been quite fluid through these ever-changing times.
How must we proceed?
“Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through Him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us” Romans 5:1-5.
Through the pattern of God’s word, we are prepared to not only face our sufferings, but to rejoice and endure in the hope of Christ. Yes, it’s quite easy for the pattern to be disrupted by the world, the flesh, and the devil. The evil foe targets the pattern of God’s Word so that we may flutter and fade to hopelessness. And therefore, I pray that the Word of God may dwell in you. I pray that the Lord may [3rd commandment] lead you “so that we do not despise preaching and His Word, but hold it sacred and gladly hear and learn it”.
Our sinful nature has many excuses to evade this faithful pattern, yet I pray that [through the pandemic], the Word of God is your top priority. Nothing is more important. God’s Word is essential above all things. If you are having trouble staying in the pattern of God’s Word at home, I encourage you to come to church as we gather together as a family for outdoor service.
So whether it be your morning routine, or your daily patterns, remember the most essential pattern is God’s Word in your life.
You: “How do I engage in this pattern?”
Me: “I’m glad you asked!”
Join us for the Word!
- Facebook live @ 9am [Tues, Weds, Fri]
- Wednesday Bible study on Galatians 10am & 7:45 pm
- Wednesday Vespers service 7pm
- Thursday Facebook live @ 10am [beginning 9/10] “What does this mean?”
- Sunday Divine Service @ 9am w/ Holy Communion, also 11:00-1:00pm communion available
You: “Why do we offer so many different opportunities to hear God’s Word?”
Me: “I’m glad you asked! Because the pattern of God’s Word is the most essential gift in your life! For The Living Word points you to Christ!”
God’s blessings
✝️ Pastor Jeong
The full newsletter can be found here:
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
What does this mean?
Bombarded by the ever-changing times, I’ve come to realize the importance of asking the right questions. The world has many proposals for restoration, but in the end, it seems we are always struggling in these grey and latter days. I call it the plague of the “only if’s”. Only if the pandemic subsides, my life would be better. Only if civil unrest would end, our world would be better. Only if my present circumstances improve, my life would be better. Throughout these times, I’ve realized that it is so easy to live in the “only if” conditional. Whether it is in the past present or future, this conditional continues to be the fulcrum to which we rise or fall.
It is an important time to sift through it all and ask, “what does this mean?”. Rather being entrenched in the fear and hysteria, it is during this time where we see through the eyes of faith. It is a time to see the landscape as more than just a temporal struggle, but rather discerning that everything flows from the spiritual.
Knowing this, how important it is to be rooted in The Living Word. Short roots flail and soon whither and fade. Long and deep roots endure and even strengthen as the days draw near. This is a time, a critical juncture, to which we must assess the true colors of our faith. Humbly we assess and honestly speaking, we repent.
As Lutherans, we are blessed to have teachings that root us in the Holy Scriptures. We are not dandelions in the wind that wave to and fro by the itching ears of man. Rather, through the teaching of the Small Catechism, we are rooted and equipped for what is ahead. I urge you to never stop reviewing, marking and inwardly digesting what you have learned through the catechism and the Holy Scriptures.
In light of this, beginning in September, we will have a bible series that will answer the pertinent questions of our time. Every Thursday at 10am on Facebook live, we will answer the great Lutheran question, “What does this mean?” I highly encourage you to take the time and make this class part of your day. And yes, if you are unable to attend, I pray that you will set aside time, whether it be later in the day or in the week, and make it a part of your schedule. It will be archived and available for you. I pray that everyone at FLC will listen and take notes as we walk together [how important it is to walk together] rooted in His Word. Now is the time to renew the roots as we reside in what is true and eternal.
Also, use this study as an opportunity to invite your family, friends, neighbors, loved ones, co-workers, and anyone that needs to hear the truth in the midst of these ever-challenging times. It is difficult to reconcile in what has become a confusion-riddled time. Yet, the Lord’s Word clarifies and points everyone to the truth. So invite everyone you know. Who wouldn’t want to know the truth?
So join me as we walk together as a church. Learning and discovering, reviewing and renewing the word of God as He answers the question, “What does this mean?”
See you there!
The full newsletter can be found here: