Wednesday, October 28, 2015
November 2015
This past month we learned about a new discipleship emphasis for our church. Disciples are people who have been saved by God’s grace alone and whose lives are shaped by God’s grace
alone. That grace of God is communicated to us by means of His Word. So that, as a disciple you receive your life and faith from the Word. In light of this, we highlighted four ways the Word impacts the disciple:
Disciples HEAR the Word because faith comes through hearing. This takes place when we gather to worship and receive God’s gifts in Word and sacrament.
Disciples MEDITATE on the Word in order to drive out the lies of the world with the truth. This takes place when we study the Bible at church and at home.
Disciples SPEAK the Word because Jesus gives us something to say. This takes place when we pray and share the Good News of Jesus.
Disciples ACT on the Word because faith is active. This happens when we serve our neighbors in our various vocations.
My hope and prayer is that our church will be able to provide you with resources and opportunities to strengthen your life as a disciple. If you were not able to attend all the services in which I preached on discipleship, I want to encourage you to download the sermons in iTunes or visit our website (or YouTube) to watch them. This way you will get an idea of what all of this means for you. I also want to encourage you to sit down and talk through these things with your family and fellow church members. The more we are talking through these things, the more we will strengthen and encourage each other in our faith.
Also, as we move into the holiday season and prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving this month, I want to take this opportunity to tell you how thankful I am to serve alongside you at Faith. Stephanie and I regularly talk about how blessed we are to be a part of this congregation. You give me great joy in serving and I constantly thank God for you in my prayers. Thank you!
Pastor Bob
The full newsletter is available here:
alone. That grace of God is communicated to us by means of His Word. So that, as a disciple you receive your life and faith from the Word. In light of this, we highlighted four ways the Word impacts the disciple:
Disciples HEAR the Word because faith comes through hearing. This takes place when we gather to worship and receive God’s gifts in Word and sacrament.
Disciples MEDITATE on the Word in order to drive out the lies of the world with the truth. This takes place when we study the Bible at church and at home.
Disciples SPEAK the Word because Jesus gives us something to say. This takes place when we pray and share the Good News of Jesus.
Disciples ACT on the Word because faith is active. This happens when we serve our neighbors in our various vocations.
My hope and prayer is that our church will be able to provide you with resources and opportunities to strengthen your life as a disciple. If you were not able to attend all the services in which I preached on discipleship, I want to encourage you to download the sermons in iTunes or visit our website (or YouTube) to watch them. This way you will get an idea of what all of this means for you. I also want to encourage you to sit down and talk through these things with your family and fellow church members. The more we are talking through these things, the more we will strengthen and encourage each other in our faith.
Also, as we move into the holiday season and prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving this month, I want to take this opportunity to tell you how thankful I am to serve alongside you at Faith. Stephanie and I regularly talk about how blessed we are to be a part of this congregation. You give me great joy in serving and I constantly thank God for you in my prayers. Thank you!
Pastor Bob
The full newsletter is available here: